Connecting SCK to SCL and DT to SDA

I am wiring a HX711 amplifier to an arduino uno r3. On the website for the amplifier, there is an example of how to connect it to the arduino. However, they connect SCK to pin 5 and DT to pin 4 on the arduino. The issue is for my circuit pin 5 is already occupied. I did some research and came across 12C. 12C consists of two pins on the arduino known as SCL which is the clock line and SDA which is for data output. So i simply connected SCK to SCL (yellow wire) and DT to SDA (orange wire) in my schematic. I want to know if these connections are acceptable because I couldn't find any examples that used SCL and SDA. If not, could I just use any pins (1-13) to connect SCK and DT into?

The arduino UNO mirrors pins A4(SDA) and A5(SCL) to the pins you are using.
The I2C of the Arduino UNO can only be used on these analog pins.
If you want to use digital pins you would have to use an I2C routine called
bitbanging, but I don't recommend it for performance reasons.

As the HX711 chip is not I2C, you can use it on any combination of pins.
Note that in this tutorial digital pins 2 and 3 are used.

Clock and Data of a HX711 have nothing to do with I2C.

You can use any pin of an Uno, even the analogue pins, except pin 0 (RX) and 1 (TX).


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