Control the 12V current off or on from the arduino

I'm pretty good at programming and not so good at electronics, sorry if my question is pretty trivial.

I want to control the 12V current off or on with Arduino without using a button to turn the 12V off and on, but is there any way other than using a relay to control the 12V off and on through Arduino?

  • What exactly are you wanting to control ?

turn 12V power off or on, because previously the power was set using a PushButton.

Voltage is measured in volts, current is measured in amps therefore

Makes very little sense.

Yes lots, all involve using external components like Bipolar transistors or FETs

HI, @neorax

How do you want to signal the ON/OFF?

A press button, press ON, press OFF.
or a switch
Switch ON. Switch OFF position.

Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

simply like this, I have a lamp with 12V power and how to turn it on through the on and off button, and I want to make this automatic and controlled by Arduino.

Yes it is possible, what action do you want to have happen to make the Arduino turn the lamp on and off?

Light level?
Hand gesture?
Press button?

By remote control, wireless, Lora, IR?

Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Its really not clear what you want to do. Why not post a sketch (diagram) showing how you think the devices will be connected?

Just like I said in my post#4