I discovered the Arduino board and this amazing group about three weeks ago. I stumbled upon this quite by accident in search of a solution to a project I am working on. I've learned quite a bit from many users in this group and would like to say THANK YOU!
Phase 1 of my project is pretty basic. I need to control the on and off times of a four relay board by day of the week, as well as the time the relay is turned on and the day and time it is turned off. (details to follow)
I have been searching the forums, YouTube videos, etc. and have learned how to connect and control the individual relays using some of the examples found here, there and everywhere in between.
And now I need some expert advice.
I am using an Arduino UNO with a DS1307 RTC.
I have installed the SparkFun_DS1307_RTC_Arduino_Library-master and am able to set the time and Serial.print the date, time, day of the week, etc., etc. I can control each relay using a modified version of the "blink" program, but that's about the extent of my knowledge so far.
Phase 1 of my project is to activate Relay1 at 6 PM on Monday and turn off at 6 AM on Tuesday. Relay2 will turn on at 6 PM on Tuesday and turn off at 6 AM on Wednesday. Relay3 will turn on at 6 PM on Wednesday and turn off at 6 AM on Thursday. Relay4 will turn on at 6 PM on Thursday and turn off at 6 AM on Friday. The schedule will resume on the following Monday.
1.) No two relays will be on at the same time.
2.) The start time and stop times are the same. (for now)
3.) Only the day of the week and relay number changes. (for now)
4.) If there is a power outage, the program must sense the correct day and time so it will resume power to the correct relay and not wait for the next cycle.
Can someone point me in the right direction, share a link or video that would help me on this project?
Future plans would include a GUI to manually set the date and time as well as set different on/off times and days for the individual relays.
Thanks in advance,
Chuck Hager