Convert hexadecimal data to decimal?


I have a problem with data conversion.
In my project, I receive data in the console of the XCTU software. In this console, the data appear in two forms (right window in decimal and left window (hexadecimal? ))

When I save the data, a .log file is created with the data in hexadecimal form.

04-24-2022 15:48:46.799,-,AT," ,0013A2004107561A,802.15.4 TH PRO,2001,COM5 - 19200/8/N/1/N,1,45"

04-24-2022 15:40:26.272,110616,RECV,33393838342E3536202C33343135392E3935202C
04-24-2022 15:40:26.341,110617,RECV,33343630352E3431
04-24-2022 15:40:26.519,110618,RECV,2C33302E31302C32302E30300D0A
04-24-2022 15:40:26.758,110619,RECV,444154412C2054494D452C33302E35332C39383735382E35352C3231352E39302C32312E34302C6E616E
04-24-2022 15:40:26.820,110620,RECV,202C
04-24-2022 15:40:27.142,110621,RECV,34303331362E3234202C34363731372E3530202C
04-24-2022 15:40:27.205,110622,RECV,34323933322E3431202C33393733372E3539202C
04-24-2022 15:40:27.274,110623,RECV,33333934352E3834202C33343332392E3931
04-24-2022 15:40:27.443,110624,RECV,2C
04-24-2022 15:40:27.506,110625,RECV,33302E30302C32302E30300D0A
04-24-2022 15:40:27.744,110626,RECV,444154412C2054494D452C33302E34392C39383735372E32352C3231362E30312C32312E33352C3533392E35323220
04-24-2022 15:40:27.806,110627,RECV,2C
04-24-2022 15:40:28.107,110628,RECV,34303132322E3132202C
04-24-2022 15:40:28.161,110629,RECV,34363435342E3730202C34333032302E3833202C
04-24-2022 15:40:28.223,110630,RECV,33393639332E3937202C33333836332E3138202C
04-24-2022 15:40:28.422,110631,RECV,2C33302E3030
04-24-2022 15:40:28.477,110632,RECV,2C32302E30300D0A
04-24-2022 15:40:28.725,110633,RECV,444154412C2054494D452C33302E34352C39383735352E38342C3231362E31332C32312E34302C6E616E202C
04-24-2022 15:40:29.210,110634,RECV,33333938362E3637202C33333938392E3530
04-24-2022 15:40:29.448,110635,RECV,2C33302E30302C32302E30300D0A
04-24-2022 15:40:29.680,110636,RECV,444154412C2054494D452C33302E34312C39383735342E37302C3231362E32332C32312E33352C3535342E3

The problem is that I can't convert it back to decimal (like the window on the left).
My goal is to get this data into an excel file.
I tried renaming the .log file to .csv and opening it in excel using the comma as a separator, it doesn't change the form of the data.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance.

What is XCTU?

If the data are coming from a serial port, use a terminal program like PuTTY or TeraTerm to capture the data and show us what you get.

Or, read the XCTU documentation, and save the data in some more easily usable form, if possible.

In order to interpret the hex representation, you have to know exactly what it encodes.

For example, these data

are the ASCII representations of the characters
'39334,56 '

XCTU is a configuration and communication software for Xbee radio modules.
I have read the XCTU documentation. It is the only way to record the received data in the console log.

Well, then, convert the ASCII in hex to characters, as shown above, and get on with your life.

I did understand this. But how to convert a whole file?

You will have to write a parser for the data stream.

On each line, collect the data immediately following the characters "RECV," then read in the HEX representations two characters at a time, converting each to an ASCII character.

Many people use an Arduino to talk to the XBEE directly.

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I found an online converter. Thanks for the help.

NO double post please

What is the problem of posting on 2 parts of the forum, once in English on the international part and another time in the French part of the forum? It allows me to reach more people and thus have a better chance of finding the solution to the problem.

It is against the forum rules, and wastes time.

This is an international forum, and very many members speak more than one language.

That's a very selfish view showing little respect for those helping here...

The people spending time answering in one language are not aware of the answers you might have got in the other language and thus might duplicate work or keep working on trying to help whilst you got a solution elsewhere.

Just don't do that ever again please.

Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't know that. In the future I will only post in the international section.

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