I find myself wondering from time to time what is the correct way to type things like microseconds - is it µS or µs? Is milliamp mA or ma? Is volt V or v?
If you check out International System of Units - Wikipedia you can find various definitions.
Simplified summary for forum users
I will keep the explanation below relevant to electronics, and not cover things like luminosity, moles etc.
Basic Units
- Length: meter - Symbol: m
- Mass: kilogram - Symbol: kg
- Time: second - symbol: s
- Electric current: ampere - symbol: A
Derived Units
- Frequency: hertz - Symbol: Hz
- Energy: joule - Symbol: J
- Power: watt - Symbol: W
- Temperature: celsius - Symbol: °C
- Charge: coulomb - Symbol: C
- Potential: volt - Symbol: V
- Resistance: ohm - Symbol: Ω
- Conductance: siemens - Symbol: S
- Capacitance: farad - Symbol: F
- Inductance: henry - Symbol: H
Units prefixes
- Tera: 1012 - Symbol: T
- Giga: 109 - Symbol: G
- Mega: 106 - Symbol: M
- Kilo: 103 - Symbol: k
- milli: 10-3 - Symbol: m
- micro: 10-6 - Symbol: µ
- nano: 10-9 - Symbol: n
- pico: 10-12 - Symbol: p
Binary prefixes for bytes
Not part of SI, but commonly accepted in computing.
- Kilobyte: 210 (1,024)- Symbol: KB
- Megabyte: 220 (1,048,576)- Symbol: MB
- Gigabyte: 230 (1,073,741,824) - Symbol: GB
- Terabyte: 240 (1,099,511,627,776) - Symbol: TB
Writing symbols
- Values are written as a quantity, followed by a space, followed by the units. eg. 2.21 kg, not 2.21kg
- Prefixes are part of the unit, and written without a space. eg. kHz not k Hz
- Symbols do not have a plural form. eg. 2 km not 2 kms
- You cannot interchange upper and lower-case. eg. 1 mW and 1 MW are two very different quantities.