I originally bought a WiFi Rev2 board for a weather station project, however the wifi unfortunately doesn't work in my situation as I only have a WPA2 Enterprise connection available (eduroam network). I've since bought an Ethernet Shield 2 card to solve this problem. However, it made me think - can I create a wifi hotspot (a non-WPA2-enterprise one I can connect to with other devices) using the onboard wifi, by sharing the connection from the wired ethernet shield? Are there example projects where people have that working?
the WiFiNINA library for Uno WiFi rev 2 and the Arduino Ethernet library are only interfaces to TCP/IP stack implemented in the NINA WiFi chip and in the W5500 Ethernet chip.
so there is no way to route network traffic between WiFi and Ethernet interface on a lower level .
all you could do is move data on the 'application' level between WiFiClient and EthernetClient