Custom Board Arduino IDE

Dear all,

I would like to add a custom board I made to the Arduino IDE.

Therefore, I already prepared the whole package structure with the required folders (hardware, tools) and made my own boards.txt and platform.txt.

I also generated the zip file of the package and wrote a package_MYBOARD_index.json to load the new package in my Arduino IDE.

Is there a way to install the package with a json file stored locally?
Is there a way to add my package without the json file?


Is there a way to install the package with a json file stored locally?

The "Additional Boards Manager URLs" in Preferences might accept a local file URL.

Is there a way to add my package without the json file?

Yes, that is possible by unzipping the package in the sketchbook/hardware directory.


The "Additional Boards Manager URLs" in Preferences might accept a local file URL.

As of Arduino IDE 1.6.7 file:// is supported for Boards Manager URLs: Board manager preferences URL doesn't take consider file:// · Issue #4098 · arduino/Arduino · GitHub.

Oh I see. I did not that it was possible with file://
