Custom keyboard


I want to create a custom keyboard for Microsoft flight simulator, here's what it should look like:

It therefore has 74 buttons and a screen with a length of 108.5mm by 94mm.
I would like help to know which screen to take and which arduino.
For the software to make it work in Microsoft flight simulator I use axis and ohs.

  • That is very specific.

  • Suggest you jerry-rig something to a similar form factor.

  • If this was me, I would use two (2) 44 pin IR remotes for the switches, remove the bezels and solder wires to the pads then to individual switches.
    You would then only need two GPIO pins to get a switch press into the Arduino.

  • For the display, Google Arduino OLED.

  • Alternatively, you can use the keypads as is and create overlays with proper labeling.

bigger then your table

´mm’ ups

Hmm no

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Just I us A320NEO

i dont understand

And I've already made a model I just need to know which screen I use and which arduino

5.0" 640x480 RGB
Arduino Nano (Classic)


In the future I would like to do maybe more module

How can I ensure that everything is connected to the PC with a cable?

Of this

is this program that allow using of simple arduino?

Which library? HID-Project

This program allows you to use the buttons on any keyboard for the specific keys of the aircraft. For example, assigning a keyboard key to an FMC key

for hid keyboard use SparkFun Micro Pro aka Arduino Micro Pro, or Arduino Micro or Leonardo - lib Keyboard.h

This will allow me to create personalized key names. And how do I connect several arduino to the pc with a cable?

or USB cable, if you want

I want to know if it is possible to connect 2 arduino mini pro to a 3rd so that it is the 3rd that sends the keys to the pc

just put each usb cable to pc, is this a problem? of course you can using USB Hub to have more sockets