
Hey guys,

I seem to be having some issues getting my Arduino IDE to recognize the "DallasTemperature.h" library. Im on OSX. I placed the files in the folders that they are supposed to be in but when i type it in the include statement in the IDE it does not turn color. What am i missing? thanks.


Im on OSX. I placed the files in the folders that they are supposed to be in

I'm guessing that you didn't, since you didn't tell us where you actually placed them.

but when i type it in the include statement in the IDE it does not turn color.

Color is for people with nothing important to worry about. The real question is whether the compiler can find the library.

I placed the DallasTemperature folder under Libraries.

Really? The folder is called libraries (with a lower case l) and there are two of the,. One you should write to; one you shouldn't.