I have just received a PCB that is designed using the Uno WiFi Rev 2 with some additional circuitry, essentially for sensing. The board has all the peripherals on the original Uno WiFi Rev2. What is the easiest way to program it? Can I somehow prepare it to be used as an Arduino Uno WiFi Rev 2?
If it claims to be a Uno WiFi Rev 2 then program it as a Uno WiFi Rev 2. Anyway, without the schematics there is no telling what sideeffects that will have.
Sounds like one of both chips were not set up for Arduino yet. I think you'll need to set up a dfu programmer. I only know of examples for the 16u2 on an uno or mega.
Perhaps another user has an example for the 32u4 on your board.
After that, you'll probably need to install a bootloader on the 4809
Thank you for your reply, but this is for updating the WiFi chip on the board. Even this I can't do since the board is not recognizable on any of the COM ports when connected by USB
My bad. I don't have a Uno WiFi here, so I can't check, but if you happen to have one at your desk try copying the firmware from the 32u4 including fuses to your 32u4. It might even work if you copy the firmware from a 16u4. Then try t o upload the software to the ESP32.
Oh, you'd need anothe UNO with avrisp firmware loaded to copy and flash the 32u4 firmware.
You have to update the 32u4 first, that will make the IDE recognize the board on a port, then you should update the 4809 with a bootloader. After that you will be free to update the wifi chip.
I like the idea of a 32u4 and an ESP32 on the same board. The USB capabilities of the ESP32 are lacking and would be nice offloaded.
However, I agree if you're to the point of adding WiFi to a 4809, then you probably need an ESP32.