I want to deploy a project of mine to a few friends who are not "tech savvies" i.e., can't really install any drivers. Therefore, I would like to pack ONLY the Arduino Nano drivers in some kind of install shield which the user runs once to install the drivers. After the installation, when the Arduino is connected to the computer (XP,Vista,7), Windows will automatically find the correct drivers so the user gets a "plug and play" experience.
I looked into some install shield clones like NSIS or WiX installers but had a hard time figuring out how to do what I need.
well on the first thinking you could make a bat file for windows users to copy the drivers to the windows system directory when run.Of course this is not a nice way but it could do that.
The only way I can think of to complete the installation after putting the files in place is to write a small application that loads Setupapi.dll and invokes InstallHinfSection().
DPInst is a Microsoft application that can be found in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK).
DpInst is redistributable, so you would not have any problems including it with your application.
DpInst is very easy to use. Simply execute it from a directory that contains the .INF files you want to install. It will install any .INF files that are in the same directory.