Deploying Arduinos, securing the wires

I'm designing a project that's most likely going to be based around an Arduino Mega. It's a prototype, so I'd really prefer to stick to using an Arduino versus going straight to an AVR, but at the same time it has to be reliable. There can't be wires falling out of the female sockets, for example.

How do you guys deploy Arduinos in such a way that all the connections are reliable?


I'm designing a project that's most likely going to be based around an Arduino Mega. It's a prototype, so I'd really prefer to stick to using an Arduino versus going straight to an AVR, but at the same time it has to be reliable. There can't be wires falling out of the female sockets, for example.

How do you guys deploy Arduinos in such a way that all the connections are reliable?


One method is to utilize a proto-shield board and build your external components onto it using soldered connections. Here is one for the arduino mega layout:

One way is to make cables that plug in nicely.
What I have done is get a pack of wires like this
Pololu - Wires with Pre-Crimped Terminals 50-Piece 10-Color Assortment M-M 24" (they are available in different lengths)
and plug them into housings
Pololu - Crimp Connector Housings
these then plug nicely into the female shield headers. Dab of hot glue across the housings to keep them from vibrating apart.

The female pins also slide onto 0.025" square pins for making board to board connections
![]( the hardware.jpg)

Thanks for the suggestions!

I'm looking into the ProtoShield option, however I'm concerned that it may add too much vertical height. There is fairly limited space for electronics in this project.

The wires look like a good option, but, to be honest, those wires look like a mess. Any idea if anyone makes single row ribbon cables with male connectors on one end that might plug in? I've looked at several sites and can't find anything like that.

Thanks again!

If you have the time and the money you can look into designing your own shield on Eaglecad. There are a lot of documents online about how you can create your own printed circuit board (PCB), and It will be very reliable and sustainable solution for whatever you are designing.
Here is an example I have designed.

Let me know if you have any questions. If you want I can help you start designing your board, send me a message if you want.

I'm looking into the ProtoShield option, however I'm concerned that it may add too much vertical height. There is fairly limited space for electronics in this project.

You don't have to use through headers. You can replace these:

with these:

Doing so will make the protoshield sit only about 1/8" above the Mega.

What does your project look like right now?

Or a right angle version even.

Or a right angle version even.

Setting the proto-board up on edge doesn't seem like it will solve the height problem. Makes connecting the other side and end, a challenge, too.

What I've always done when I need a reliable connection for a more permanent solution was just take a couple of male headers and soldered to the short end with my wires and then filled in everything with hot glue so the connections weren't strained. Then you just plug in the header to the female one on the arduino and it stays in place very well. If you needed you could probably drill the board somewhere that wont mess with it and figure something out with zipties to hold it in place even better. This solution has worked for me and is super cheap, plus if you do it right it doesnt add much height

For right angle, I was thinking more have the boards side by side so the cables didn't stick up at all, jsut went sideways.

Thanks guys. I'm leaning towards the protoshield option, quite possibly with the alternate headers. The one thing I can't figure out, though, is if the Arduino pins are actually connected to holes on the protoshield PCB. As in, if I connect an Arduino pin to somewhere can I solder a wire to the protoshield PCB or do I have to shove a wire into the female headers. I can't imagine how the protoshield would be even remotely useful without that feature, yet looking at the PCB I can't see any traces other than power and ground... Anyone know?

You put male pins on the protoshield that plug into the female headers on the Arduino.
They can be feedthru pins so can stack another shield on top, or just straight 0.025" square posts that you would connect your protoshield wiring to.

yet looking at the PCB I can't see any traces other than power and ground... Anyone know?

Because most of the copper traces was on the bottom layer of the PCB which is invisible on the picture I have attached. When designing a PCB you can create traces between the desired points and you can choose on which layer they will be.

The one thing I can't figure out, though, is if the Arduino pins are actually connected to holes on the protoshield PCB.

They are.