I plan to design a Mega 2560 with all pins. The amount of pins on the Mega 2560 are cutted (input captures, 1x PWM, 2x HW interrupts, ...), though I do not know why. It could be explained by someone from the Arduino. Is there an alternative with all pins?
I have some design for this. You can see it: New design Mega2560 board with all pins and DC-DC 5v x 5A - Product Design - Arduino Forum
Hello there!
I have a pcb design being fabbed now that has the 16 non-used pins broken out. I'll let you know when I get them and populate them.
For the mean time, I would recommend looking up and reading the datasheet on the ATmega2560 from Microchip. The 16 pins that are not used in the standard Mega2560 board have special functions, and altering them can change the basic operation of the device.
Hi, on your pictures I see standard Mega2560 board and additional 8+8 pins behind the double pins. And What the other pins are present yet?
Those "8+8" pins are the extra 16 pins that are not used on the standard Mega2560. The other pins are for an Adafruit Feather. There is a feather board that has both bluetooth and wifi capability so I added space for it to slide into the main board. I also broke out the signals from the feather to the 2x12 header to the left of it so I can access those. The components to the left of the 2x12 headers are for logic level converting since the feather is a 3.3V board, but the Mega is a 5V board.