Destroyed Arduino Nano every by supplying 9V to VIN?

the Arduino was working fine until I supplied 9V to the VIN Pin while reading data from USB. Now the TX and RX LEDs are constantly on and the Arduino gets warmer than before. It wasn't recognized by USB. After I reboot the computer it is now recognized again but I cant upload any program.

It is still not recognized by Port COM5 though...

The Nano Every has a step-down converter with internal inductor (MPM3610).
The 9V should be no problem.

What was connected to your Arduino board ? Motors or relays or something with 12V ?
Do you have a multimeter to check voltages (both with USB powered and when powered via VIN) ?
The usb-serial chip might be damaged. I think that you need a new board :cry:

With 9V in VIN I get about 4,97V at V+ and with only USB I get about 4,64V. Before the incident I got about 4,74V with only USB. That alone seems kinda weird. I still don't get why the Arduino got destroyed by the 9V. The 9V input was the only input above 4V so I don't think my circuit is at fault here.

Since the voltages are fine, it is most likely this chip that is behaving strangely since the TX and RX LEDs are always on and this chip controls these LEDs and the Serial Data.

But the real question is: How the hell can this chip be destroyed by applying 9 V to the VIN?

It can't.

Unless something else was going on.
If nothing else was connected and you didn't apply -9V instead of 9V, then the board was wrong and you should get a replacement.

You can give a link to this topic when you return it.

I mean the GND from the 9V supply was connected with the GND of the Arduino so it must have been +9V or am I missing something.

No, it is not your fault.

You can’t burn it with 9v, you must have done something else or the board was faulty, and unfortunately this could be the case, for some reason Everys could be defective . I bought 3 and one was heating up out of the box, I thought this was normal but the other 2 were cold as ice.

The board can handle 7-18V (21V max), so 9V input is not the issue.

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