Hi all,
I'm definitely a newbie to the Arduino world. I've bought a board from Amazon, and it's an Arduino.org board. I did not know about the .cc vs .org issue until I run into issues when attempting to upgrade the open-wrt. I basically went to the web interface, hit the reset button in the web interface, and lost all connections to the board.
- cannot upload YunSerialTerminal from my Win 10 ASUS laptop
Couldn't find a Board on the selected port. Check that you have the correct port selected. If it is correct, try pressing the board's reset button after initiating the upload.
- In the Arduino 1.6.10 IDE, Port menu is grayed out.
- Cannot ssh -> connected Ethernet cable but my ipconfig shows Ethernet not connected (and using putty to ssh to linino.local has no response)
I am trying to follow the instruction to reflash
but I'm stuck in the beginning trying to upload YunSerialTerminal. Are there any ways I can do to talk to the board? Lastly, when all instructions ask for "connect Yun with USB", it is ok to connect a micro usb at the Yun end and regular usb in the laptop end yes? I use the USB cable from my Samsung Galaxy charger and I'm sure it's not a charge-only cable.
Thanks for any help!