did i burn the usb port?

Hello arduinoers. 2 days ago my arduino diecimila received a shortcircuit (5v pin connected to gnd pin) of 7,2 volts due to a hidden touching wire. I disconnected it after a couple of seconds, but after that moment the usb port seems not to work anymore. All the pins are ok, the program get executed regularly, everything works good, but when i insert it into usb the ftdi driver does not recognize anything. No error messages.
The arduino actually receive power from the usb, because i can effectively run the program without external sources.
How can i know what is the problem? is there a way to program it through a serial? Could it be the polyfuse, and how to reset it?

I'm using gentoo linux, and i didn't change anything in software so it's surely an hardware error. The modules are compiled and modprobed, just the ttyUSB0 does not show up :-[ :frowning: :cry:

It sounds like you fried the FTDI chip; no fixing that, likely. I would continue to try anyone else's suggestions, and then if all failed, I would personally do the following:

  1. Order another Arduino; now might be the time for that upgrade you want!

  2. While waiting for that, I would start surgery on that poor board; probably frankenstein it up with a transistor-based DB-9 serial interface on a small piece of perfboard globbed on with some hot glue or JB-Weld.

  3. Or, I would set up a header for connecting an FTDI cable, and put one of those on order, too.

Sorry to hear about your board; but just because you gave it impromptu electro-shock therapy doesn't mean it is completely lost. Hack it like you love it!


Could it be the polyfuse, and how to reset it?

No because a poly fuse will blow and then reset automatically when it cools.

a shortcircuit (5v pin connected to gnd pin) of 7,2 volts

A short of 5V to ground will not usually damage anything apart from the regulator if one is being used. It could damage the power providing part of the USB port but it looks like that part is still working.
However where does 7.2V come in? Connecting 7.2V to +5 could damage the FTDI chip.
Check that you still get the 3V3, that is derived from the FTDI chip.

However where does 7.2V come in? Connecting 7.2V to +5 could damage the FTDI chip.

i connected a battery back of 6 cells to the vin pin

Check that you still get the 3V3, that is derived from the FTDI chip.

thank you, this is a very good debug tip, i'll try it as soon as i get home from work

  1. Order another Arduino; now might be the time for that upgrade you want!

I've already done this, and i thought that i can use the new board to program this atmega168 and then put it into the damaged board, so i can have 1 arduino and half :wink:

  1. While waiting for that, I would start surgery on that poor board; probably frankenstein it up with a transistor-based DB-9 serial interface on a small piece of perfboard globbed on with some hot glue or JB-Weld.

this is what i thought: i can attach a serial port to it. but is there any documentation that explain how to do it and how to program it from serial line?

  1. Or, I would set up a header for connecting an FTDI cable, and put one of those on order, too.

do you refer to something like this:
the price is similar to an arduino so i think it's not worth..

but is there any documentation that explain how to do it and how to program it from serial line?

Probably not in the way of a "howto", but you might take a look at the earlier serial Arduino schematic to get an idea of where to connect what:

do you refer to something like this:

Yeah - didn't realize they were that expensive - hmm. You could also go with something like this:

Also, google "FTDI cable" and "FTDI breakout"; you might find something cheaper (I guess it also depends on your location in the world as to how inexpensive it will be).
