Hello everyone,
I am trying to use keyestudio Turbidity Sensor and I am facing some problems in the readings and calibration.
Whenever I place my Turbidity Sensor into a water sample (clean water), it gives a voltage reading which I write it down for calibration, when I finish calibration and coding, the sensor works perfectly.
The problem is let's say I place the Turbidity Sensor next day in the same water sample I was testing, I get different voltage readings from the previous testing, and the voltage readings is slightly decreasing every 5 seconds until in goes to a specific value (which is not the same value everytime), overall the voltage value provided by the sensor is not stable.
I tried applying passive Low Pass Filter to reduce any noise but no significant change.
Does anybody have an idea about how to probably calibrate these sensors?
My first impression is that I may need to use a higher ADC resolution like 16bit instead of the 10bit Arduino ADC, I don't know if that will solve the problem, but that's why I am asking for help here.
For a Uno put a 103 ceramic cap into the Aref pin and ground will help stabilize the readings.
Post your code.
Another thing that may help is to ground one of the unused AD pins, like A3 to gnd. Take a reading off A3 then take a reading from the sensor connected, then take a reading from A3 repeat as wanted. The reading off A3 is discarded.
Another thing to note many breadboards have a split in the two rails at the top and bottom. Making the power and grounds not continuous until a jumper is placed in the middle.
Thank you for your help @Idahowalker
I will try your suggested solutions above and provide you with the result.
The sensor is connected similar to the example expect that I've connected a Low Pass Filter to the Data pin of the sensor. I did this to reduce the noise, however I will try to measure with out this filter also.
Thanks for the link. Did You read the warning about the unprotected upper end if the sensor?
Note the inaccurazy of 3.5% of full scale? That makes an uncertainty of 1023 * 0.035 = 35 units reading analog. A wobbling within those 35 units is thinkable, as I think.
No data for repeatability as I could read from the phone.
Hi, @mahmoudfahmy2001
That device has its detector and emitter mounted externally, commercial units have them enclosed in a light tight container.
Your sensor could be influenced by the ambient light.
Can I suggest you do your measurements in a light tight container?
A paper cup by the way is not light tight, to make it light tight stick aluminium foil around it to block any leakage.
Thanks for your answer, the problem is that the sensor gives different voltage everytime. Thus, I think that the ambient light is affecting the sensor readings.
Thank you all for helping
It seems that what you said is right because when I used a proper container the Sensor gave the same voltage at every testing trail (in the range of 2.65-2.85 which acceptable).
However, I should mentioned that what @Idahowalker was useful since the readings became more stable than before when I added a 104 ceramic capacitor to the ARef pin.
There is still an acceptable variance in the voltage values but as long as it gives the needed Turbidity Percentage for pure water.