Link to the full project here > Diesel Glow Plug Controller
Hello Everyone,
So I have yet another one of those automotive projects and am asking a question that has seemingly been asked many times before. Despite doing some reading, it seems most of the topics do not come to a conclusive end although I did find one in particular that does have a schematic that is very similar to the one I am looking to create.
My goal of this post is to have the community verify my circuit design as feasible or if there is a glaring error then I would obviously like to correct so as to achieve a highly reliable setup.
Quick background, I am using an Arduino Nano Everything as a relay controller. It will have multiple inputs and a couple outputs. Ultimately it takes in inputs, makes a decision and outputs a signal to control a single automotive grade 12v 75A relay.
I am trying to work with one circuit at time to make sure each circuit is designed correctly. This is for a road going vehicle so it cannot be experimental, should have an expected lifespan of 5 years and not require any user intervention once put into service. That is the goal anyways.
Alright onto the circuit in question. This is the main power source for the Arduino. This is a Ignition 'Key On' circuit and will remain powered anytime the key is turned to the one position. This could be a span of seconds to hours, once the key on signal is sent to the arduino, it will execute its program until the key on power is removed.
I have a Shottky diode to protect against reverse polarity, a 220uF electrolytic cap to provide 'smoothing' of the signal, a 0.01uF ceramic disk cap to provide EMI suppression. I also have 20v zeenies available, but was unsure as to how or even if I needed to incorporate them.
Please, if responding, include part numbers if your going to recommend components. 'Just use a so and so from Amazon' is not helpful, nor is public opinion. Either yes, this checks out or no, you have x correct but y is dodgy and you really need component z to make this correct are the kind of responses I am hoping for. Thank You all in advance, your experience is appreciated.
I have updated the final schematic here, note that in the schematic, MPM3610 refers to the DC/DC converter built into the Arduino Nano Every. MPM3610 Data Sheet
Also I have ChatGPT verification of proper power filter circuit design, because I read it on the interwebs! See post #70
Here is the updated final schematic so you don't have to read through 70+ posts. Many thanks to all those that participated in this awesomely long thread. Everyone contributed something positive and I am appreciative of that. Thanks to everyone who participated!