I have a weird problem with my Arduino I've been trying to fix for weeks. I'm making a small automated greenhouse for a school project. I want to have a simple display that shows the temperature and humidity, and I want to be able to decide at which values the greenhouse tries to keep them. I've reduced my code to the most barebones state, removing most librairies but one of my screen states still wont diplay. The night I coded it worked but the next day the HUMI state wouldn't display at all. Any ideas why? (I think the TEMP and HUMI states are switched in this code, but I still have the same problem)
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SH110X.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
//Screen parameters
#define i2c_Address 0x3D
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64
#define OLED_RESET -1
//Strings for printing
String str1;
String str2;
//Button parameter
const int BUTTON_PIN = 4;
const int PRESS_TIME = 400;
bool LENGTH;
int lastState = LOW;
int currentState;
unsigned long pressedTime = 0;
unsigned long releasedTime = 0;
//Settings values
int SetTemp;
int SetHumi;
//Refresh rate
unsigned long RpreviousMillis = 0;
const long Rinterval = 50;
//Different screen states
typedef enum {
} EtatAffichage_t;
EtatAffichage_t etatAffichage = TEMP_e;
bool SetMode = 0;
//I2C object constructor
Adafruit_SH1106G display = Adafruit_SH1106G(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &Wire, OLED_RESET);
void setup() {
//Initialize display
display.begin(i2c_Address, true);
void loop() {
//Button and interface logic
//Button short and long press handling
currentState = Debounce();
if (lastState == HIGH && currentState == LOW) {
pressedTime = millis();
} else if (lastState == LOW && currentState == HIGH) {
releasedTime = millis();
long pressDuration = releasedTime - pressedTime;
if (pressDuration < PRESS_TIME) {
//Disable set mode if already entered
if (SetMode == 1) {
SetMode = 0;
} else if (etatAffichage == TEMP_e) {
etatAffichage = HUMI_e;
} else {
etatAffichage = TEMP_e;
//Set mode handling
if (pressDuration > PRESS_TIME) {
if (SetMode == 0) {
SetMode = 1;
} else {
SetMode = 0;
lastState = currentState;
//Set mode
if (SetMode == 1) {
if (etatAffichage == TEMP_e) {
SetTemp = 15;
} else if (etatAffichage == HUMI_e) {
SetHumi = 40;
//Screen and time handling
//Set mode indicator
if (SetMode == 1) {
display.drawRect(10, 46, 38, 18, SH110X_WHITE);
//Temp and humi displaying
int Temp = 12;
int Humi = 21;
switch (etatAffichage) {
case HUMI_e:
String LiveTempStr = "Live Temp: " + String(Temp) + "C";
String SetTempStr = "Set Temp: " + String(SetTemp) + "C";
Affichage(LiveTempStr, SetTempStr, 0, 0, 2);
case TEMP_e:
String LiveHumiStr = "Live Humi: " + String(Humi) + "p";
String SetHumiStr = "Set Humi: " + String(SetHumi) + "p";
Affichage(LiveHumiStr, SetHumiStr, 0, 0, 2);
//Time displaying
String TimeStr = "12:13";
Affichage(TimeStr, "0", 68, 49, 2);
//Display update
//Refresh rate
unsigned long RcurrentMillis = millis();
if (RcurrentMillis - RpreviousMillis >= Rinterval) {
RpreviousMillis = RcurrentMillis;
//Text display function
void Affichage(String str1, String str2, int x, int y, int size) {
display.setCursor(x, y);
if (str2 != "0") {
//Button debounce function
bool Debounce() {
static unsigned long lastStableT = 0;
static bool stableState = HIGH;
bool currentState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);
if (stableState == currentState) {
lastStableT = millis();
} else if ((millis() - lastStableT) >= 10) {
stableState = currentState;
return stableState;