My question is, when I have addressable 5V LED strips, can I power them only externally and connect only the signal to the Arduino? Or does the GND need to be connected from the external power supply to the LEDs AND to the Arduino?
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The GNDs need to be connected together in order for the Uno and the LEDs to have a common point of reference for the control signals
Thank you, so when I, lets say, have 4 servos and the LED strip, I can connect the GNDs from the servos, the LEDs, and take a wire from the arduino GND, and connect them? And I'll still be able to power the Arduino through the USB?
I assume that you are powering the servos from an external source rather than from the Arduino 5V. If so, what you describe will work
Okay, thank you very much! I'll try it when my Uno arrives. I appreciate the help!
It is best to connect all the grounds to one common point (called star grounding). Daisy chaining grounds can cause grounds at different potentials.
Grounds must be common.
Learn about your Arduino by wiring and programming the Built-In Examples to understand the steps needed (before a project like WS2812).
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