Does anyone heave good tank drive code?

I have an Arduino Uno, I plan to have it connected to a Xbee. This will run four motor controllers, two talon sr's and two other ones. Those will be hooked up to a cim, to then a two cim gearbox. Really all I need to find is good code and how to wire it all. And suggestions?

Google: Arduino Xbee code

Really all I need to find is good code

I've got some good code for nesting composite plies. If that will help, I'm sure I can convince my employer to let me share that with you.

Without even a hint of a requirements document existing, you are premature in asking for code. Besides, you forgot to mention how much you are willing to pay.

and how to wire it all.

8 gauge wire. All red. Make sure each piece is about 30 feet longer than necessary, and twists around all the others so you can't tell one from another. Just like every other robot with pictures posted here.