Hello! I dont know what this selector switch is called nor where to buy it? Perhaps thats where you come in brave arduino warrior,see ive scrounged the depths of electronic hobbyist sites and have yearned to find a name of my lover, please link me the location of my future item and you shall have your name raised on high!
@do_not_sleep Yes, it's most definitely a rotary encoder. You can find some schematics for these watches at github, however that part has only nondescript labels like U2 or U7.
I'd try an image search for sth. like "flat/sideways/horizontal rotary encoder" (to find sth. like this) and use the more promising as search terms at the usual electronics component sellers.
I do. But I do admit that my fun is maximized whenever information is easily accessible. And I also admit that I absolutely love art in many forms, but don't have a particular penchant for poetry. Finally, while I admit that there are parallels between art and technology at a conceptual level, mixing them as OP did is in my opinion counterproductive.
You clearly have little experience of switches then. Clear not a rotary encoder to me.
It looks like an (on)-off-(on) momentary switch (often used in place of a rotary encoder, that much is true).
PaulRB you have completed the quest! Your name will be raised high on the pyramid of life! Some have answered the call of my quest,but you have done so simply and with nobility.
Please take this as token of my graditude!
(Makes this answer the solution to the post)
And may the gods shine upon thee arduino-hero!!