Does this need to be soldered?

I bought an I2C LCD from amazon:

And I have a problem, only the backlight turns on.
The screen flickers too and I've started to ask myself if it needs to be soldered.

I tried to adjust the contrast, but still, no result.

This is my code:

#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);

void setup()

  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  lcd.print("Hello World");

void loop()


Not just needs, but absolutely must be soldered!

You must solder.

You can solder a female header on the LCD display then you can plug the backpack into this header.

when you say backpack, do you mean the i2c adapter?


oh, then i can't xD
coz i don't have a soldering machine or smth like that

can't I connect it to a breadboard?

Yes you can.

But then you need to solder a male header to the LCD display.


how so?

See post 8.

Buy a soldering iron and 63/37 or 60/40 solder.

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Get one premade.|tkp%3ABFBMxr6_7ZBh

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say, one header or several headers?

Looks like you need a 1X16 female header to match your backpack male header.

Make sure the backpack is plugged into the new female header the right way around.

can you make me a sort of drawing because I don't understand where to plug them in

oh wait nvm i understand now

This is how the soldered female header should appear.

Then buy one, or give up electronics and find something else to do.



You can get one pre-soldered. Search Amazon for "LCD i2c"

And that's exactly what i did xD