Hi guys i'm Alberto from Italy
i've got a project but i don't know if it works with arduino so i'd like to have an help from knowledged people!!
all you have to know is that the two signals i want to switch in parallel in this project are signals coming from an electric guitar and 3 tube amps.
i mean my problem is that now i can easily switch my guitar input in 3 or more amps BUT some ambient effects like delays or reverbs or flangers or phasers etc are put in the fx loop..the fx loop is after the preamp section and before the power section SO i have those effects linked with 2 jacks to the head and i can only use those effects with that head or i have to unlink those effects from the head with my hands and link em to another head and so on.
instead i want to use those effects with other 2 heads so how can i?
the concept is that i want to switch at the same time the guitar input and the amps fx loop from amp 1 to amp2 or from 3 to 1 etc with only pushing a button but having the grounds separated.
i mean i can do it with a multiple switch but i don't like the idea to have an order like step 1 amp1, step 2 amp 2, step3amp3 and step3,step2,step1..i want something electronic so"amp1 for rythm, amp3 for lead,amp2 for clean", something that let me decide what amp using at the moment..
i'll put some attachments to explain as clear as possible my project!!
sorry for my bad english
IMG.pdf (711 KB)