Driving pin high after waveform generation is done

Hi, I am using the TCC0 timer to generate free-running PWM and hw-triggered one-shot pulses. So I have set clocks, mux'd pins and peripherals (thanks, MartinL!) all working fine.
Now I am looking for a way to drive the output pin high or low after PWM or one-shot operation is done.
For one-shot, I may use the Non-Recoverable Fault registers NRE and NRV to switch to either high or low after the pulse.

TCC0->DRVCTRL.reg |= TCC_DRVCTRL_NRE4 | TCC_DRVCTRL_NRV4;   // drives pin high after one shot, see SAMD21 datasheet

But how to do it when the TCC0 peripheral is already disabled via TCC_CTRLA_ENABLE ? Or, more generally, how to temporarily disable the timer and set the output pin "manually" to high or low?

I tried something like

 if (input==0){
       TCC0->DRVCTRL.reg |= TCC_DRVCTRL_NRV4;  
       TCC0->DRVCTRL.reg |= TCC_DRVCTRL_NRE4;  
      else {
       TCC0->DRVCTRL.reg &= ~TCC_DRVCTRL_NRV4;  
       TCC0->DRVCTRL.reg |= TCC_DRVCTRL_NRE4;  

to stop the timer toggle the pin high or low, but this "crashes" the SAMD (i.e., it's irresponsive). Removing the syncbusy check does not help.

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