DS Touchpad woes

I think I may have ended up with faulty nintendo DS touchpad, but I just want to check it's not me before I complain to the company.

Here is my wiring of the breakout board:

Connected to analog pins A0-A3, using this code:

// Taken from http://kousaku-kousaku.blogspot.com/2008/08/arduino_24.html

#define xLow  A0
#define xHigh A2
#define yLow  A3
#define yHigh A1
//modified to match my sparkfun connector
#define xLow  A0
#define xHigh A2
#define yLow  A3
#define yHigh A1
void setup(){
void loop(){
  //xLow has analog port -14 !!
  int x=analogRead(yLow);
  //xLow has analog port -14 !!
  int y=analogRead(xLow);

Can anyone see if anything is wrong before I email the store?

  1. Verify you have the correct side of the ribbon "up" in the adapter.
  2. Some people mentioned that the adapter expects a slightly thicker ribbon surface, so you may need to add thickness behind the non-conductive side to make good contacts.