i am trying to do a project about determining the feeling of a person from the brainwave using Arduino. do any one know about the items i have to use to analysis the brainwave. also, the sensor i use to get the wave, but they must be cheep. the code and any reference.
please it's my university project
This company has been around a while. I have never used one, can't speak to how well it interfaces with Arduino.
A friend of mine for some time ran a venture that did something like this. He has a PhD in neuroscience, which I guess helped. I was involved tangentially for a while in said venture. Based on that experience, my recommendation would be for you to do a couple of university-level courses in statistics as well as obtain a degree in neuroscience. Then on that basis proceed with your project. Lacking that or a similar basis, all you'll end up doing is sift through noise.
Really? Just starting? Any research, or just want answers?