Error importing a sketch .zip file to arduino cloud web editor

I'm trying to upload an Arduino Sketch to the Arduino cloud web editor. the sketch is in a .zip file containing .ino, .cpp and .h files.
when i try, i get and error:
Error while importing files

  • file name : Unexpected error. Please try again.

or the error:

  • file name: No sketches or libraries found in the ZIP file.

the unexpected error occurs if the zip contains a .ino file with the same name as the zip.
the no sketchs found error occurs in all other cases i've tried.

even when i try to import a zip created by downloading a sketch from the web editor.

i'm working on Win11. I've tried chrome and edge, both returned the same errors.
both work fine with single files (4.2 KB) (4.2 KB)

How is this an Arduino issue, it sounds like you have a bad zip file.

im trying to add an arduino sketch to the arduino cloud web editor.
the zip files are good. they can be opened and edited. i've tried using zip files created by the arduino web editor itself by downloading a working sketch in .zip format and then trying to upload it.

Post the zip file

Those errors are involved in library installs from a zip file. That is not what you are wanting to do. Youj said later you are just imnpoorting an ino file to the cloud editor. Just do that manually like any normal ino file. do NOT use Include Library/Ad .Zip file

Can't you just access the cloud on the other device that you are using and just copy and paste there? Or just write the code onto the (Edit: sketch) manually.

i have large projects with multiple files (.ino,.cpp,.h... ect)
after failing to upload a zip with them i tried some simple stuff.
like i said i can import each file manually, but not as a zip.
even the simplest zip with the blink sketch or one created on the editor and downloaded fail to up load (4.2 KB)

Hmm ok, I found this article hopefully it can help you. (Link: Errors when uploading a sketch).

thanks but this is for uploading to a board, my problem is uploading to the web editor (4.2 KB)
this zip was created on the web editor and downloaded.
im trying to use zip for large projects with multiple files

Oh oops sorry

Show me where in the documentation it says you can import a zip file into the web editor.

Found it: Importing files to the Cloud Editor. (Edit: Hey @iam_me4654123m, this article could also help you on this.)

I don't understand what you are doing. Until you can clearly demonstrate what you are trying to do and why it doesn't work I can't help. I think you are the cause of your own problem. Sorry about the language problem, perhaps you would do better using your native tongue as the forum has native support for French,Spanish and one or more others.

I have worked between the cloud and non-cloud since very early on without using that procedure. There is NO need for that procedure in my experience.

Same, I haven't seen or used this before. (Sorry for the various edits fixing grammar)

What I saw the first time I peeked at that procedure was the requirement to zip all the libraries, but a more in-depth reading shows me that it actually says nothing needs to be done with the libraries, they are already accessible. This procedure must be very old as the moving of files/projects back and forth are handled by the IDE etc see pics.
Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 18.38.52

thanks for the insult @sonofcy, English is my native language.
since we seem to have a communication problem i'll try pictures.

in the picture below you can see the "import local files" button under "create" in the sketch area of the arduino cloud web editor.

in this next picture you can see the "import files" dialog after pressing "import local files".
you can clearly read in English where it say,
"You can also import your whole Sketchbook.

Compress the Sketch folder in .zip format. Keep libraries in a 'libraries' folder. Avoid mixing sketches and libraries."

in the next photo you can see the error after trying to import a zip

if somebody is familiar with this i would appreciate the help

@Stick_Flame, thanks for the link.
i've made a little progress thanks to it.
apparently the web editor is looking for the libraries folder as well as.

now its stuck looking for ""

That is the procedure I do NOT use, just use the IDE and Cloud Editor upload/download controls. I have used them with no problems. The procedure you are using appears flawed, you should report a bug.
Sorry about the English remark, but that is what I observed.