error message when using tlc5940

hi guys

i am new to electronics and programming so i am working on a light that has a lot of leds. i have got the hardware done but my code doesn't work >:( this is just some test code to see if everything is working but the code is holding me up!!!!!

here it is.....

#include <Tlc5940.h>

void setup()

void loop()

Tlc.set(0, 4095);
Tlc.set(1, 4095);
Tlc.set(2, 4095);
Tlc.set(3, 4095);
Tlc.set(4, 4095);

and these are my errors...

sketch_apr02a.ino: In function 'void setup()':
sketch_apr02a:7: error: 'Tlc' was not declared in this scope
sketch_apr02a.ino: In function 'void loop()':
sketch_apr02a:13: error: 'Tlc' was not declared in this scope

Well, where is Tlc declared?

I guess you're following this tutorial:

Where is Tlc defined?

I am following that tutorial! And I am not sure where Tlc is declared/defined

It could just be a error with my computer

Yeah, it's a wierd one. I assume that tutorial knows what it's talking about. I doubt it's an error with your computer. The method .init() I assume would have to be done on an object, so the only explanation I can think of is that the library creates an object called Tlc for you.

I have downloaded the normal tlc5940 library and it seems to be working fine and In The right folders. Is there anyway I could fix this error?

I have downloaded the normal tlc5940

From where?