error while programming arduino with processing

please help!.
1- i have uploaded standard firmata on arduino.
2- i have added the arduino library to processing.

this is a test program to see if evrything is working but a wierd error comes.m a newbie to arduino so please keep it simple:(..
any help appretiated.thank you

You should uncomment out the line above that one. If there are no COM ports available, the list will be of length 0. You are assuming that the list has at least one element in it.

i found out the problem...processing 2.0 doesnt allow serial communication of that type..i switched to 1.5.1 and evrythings proper.

btw uncommenting doesnt change anything because i know there is an arduino on Arduino.list()[0];...because i checked it fst

...processing 2.0 doesnt allow serial communication of that type..

??? which kind? I use Processing 2.0 and Arduino with no problem ?!

I use Processing 2.0 and Arduino with no problem

With which Arduino?

Sorry, I'm wrong! I'm using 1.5 for firmata.

2.0 works on win 32 bit systems.not on 64.and on linux u need to have 1.5.1 to use firmata.that worked for me.also u need to update rxtx libraries.else there will be a mismatch


I was wondering if I could get some help.

I am working with Firmata to get Processing to control Arduino.

I have followed the steps on Arduino Playground - Processing.

I also found out that I have to use Processing 1.5.1 instead of 2.0.

I downloaded the Processing Library (named 'arduino')and pasted it in my Processing Sketchbook.

After that, I tried running the Arduino examples from the Standard Examples toolbar, hoping it would come under Contributed libraries, but I couldn't find it.Hence, I went to open the 'examples' folder in the downloaded library to run the examples.

The error that occurs reads, "The package "cc" does not exist. You might be missing a library". It also reads "

No library found for cc.arduino
Libraries must be installed in a folder named 'libraries' inside the 'sketchbook' folder."

I don't get it the library already IS in the sketchbook folder, but it does not 'exist'?

Can someone help me resolve this issue?

Appreciate the help.

Thank you!