[ESP32-C3] Replacing the flash memory with a larger one

I have a board with an ESP32-C3 chip and a TH25Q32 flash memory chip (32Mb, 4MB). I would like to replace this flash memory chip with a larger one. I have N25Q064A memory (64Mb, 8MB, 3,3V).

Is there anything else I need to do after replacing one memory chip with another? Will it work?

Have you verified the hardware compatibility? Is it a drop in replacement?

I can't find documentation for the TH25Q32 chip. But the N25Q064A chip supports DIO, QIO, DOUT and QOUT. It is probably also pinout compatible.

Assuming the parts are otherwise compatible you shouldn't need to do anything else. The ESP8266 and ESP32 have the bootloader used by esptool built into the chip, not in the flash memory.

I've replaced the serial flash memory only on ESP8266 boards, but ESP32s should work the same.

Do you have schematics for the board, then?

How much flash memory does my ESP32 really have - ESP32 Forum

The ESP32 (chip, not module) can support up to 16MB of flash.

esptool.py --port PORT flash_id

should print the detected flash size from the module.

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