ESP32 Code Upload Issue ׂ(exit status 2)

Hello, I recently switched from an Arduino UNO board to an ESP32 WROOM using Arduino IDE 2.3.3. During the connection, I am encountering a code upload issue with status 2. Although the software recognizes the controller and I was able to burn the code the first time, I am unable to upload any code different from the first one. I tried connecting capacitors of 100 and 10 microfarads between the EN pin and VN. Additionally, I tried changing the cable and the connections on the computer, but to no avail. I would appreciate any advice on what can be done. Thank you.
צילום מסך 2024-04-21 205846

have you tried hitting Reset then Boot buttons during the upload process
also try Tools>Board ESP32 Dev Module

Yes, I tried, but unfortunately, it did not help.

Between EN pin and GND, not VN.

Try with 1uF (that worked for me).

As @ZX80 points out there is an inconsistency between the selected port and the one the uploader tries to connect to.

[quote="aviad353, post:6, topic:1250476"]

Thank you for the response. I will try with a 1 uF capacitor. Regarding the consistency of the PORTS, I accidentally took the screenshot after changing the connection output.

Attaching an updated image.

Any news about how to solve?

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