I have been having hard time setting up my ESP32 with CAMERA, I was trying to build my own SURVEILLANCE CAMERA around the house, so to cut my long story short. My ESP32 is currently connected to my WIFI network, but every time that I wanted to access my ESP32 with my browser will just timed-out saying "
This site can’t be reached took too long to respond,
What can I do to access my ESP32 IP network?
I have tried REPROGRAMMING it again, then connected to my router saying " WiFi connected
Starting web server on port: '80'
Starting stream server on port: '81'
Camera Ready! Use '' to connect" but after accessing the IP, the browser couldn't reach the website.
You might post your code so we can see what is happening. Are you set up for fixed IP or DHCP? There is a difference and if set up wrong you will get exactly what you are seeing. Your link works just fine on my system, it access a logic analyzer. That address you posted is useless except on your system. You might watch a few tutorials on networking and DHCP. This is what is expected if you do not understand the hardware and code that is why we ask for information.
I have been having hard time setting up my ESP32 with CAMERA, I was trying to build my own SURVEILLANCE CAMERA around the house, so to cut my long story short. My ESP32 is currently connected to my WIFI network, but every time that I wanted to access my ESP32 with my browser will just timed-out saying "
This site can't be reached took too long to respond,
What can I do to access my ESP32 IP network?
I have tried REPROGRAMMING it again, then connected to my router saying " WiFi connected
Starting web server on port: '80'
Starting stream server on port: '81'
Camera Ready! Use '' to connect" but after accessing the IP, the browser couldn't reach the website.
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