Esp32 powered only by the usb lines 5V and GND not working

I have connected the board by usb, uploaded a code for a bluethooth keyboard and it has worked perfectly. I have taken another USB cable with loose cables (To simulate that it is powered by battery) and I have connected the 5V (Positive) of the usb to VIN of the ESP32 and the GND of the usb to one of the grounds (Although I have tried all of them). And instead of working in the same way, a blinking LED appears (It is not the POWER one). What I can do?

Which ESP32 do you have? There are dozens of them, all with different pin outs.

Do you by any chance have a line of code checking whether Serial.available() is true in the code ?

The code is:

#include <BleKeyboard.h>

BleKeyboard bleKeyboard;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  if(bleKeyboard.isConnected()) {


ESP32 NodeMCU WROOM 32, 38 Pins

That one should have a 5V pin, use that. Although a mystery, the one I'm looking at with a 5V pin, has no Vin pin.

Please provide a link to the board.

Does this help?

Is this the pinout:

Post an image or 2 of the project all wired up.

Does the ESP32 draw enough current to keep the USB charger on?

I also tried to connect the usb to a phone charger or a battery. I got the same problem. With the led blinking it draw 80mA.

That's not an image of yur project all wired up. Oh, well I tried. Good luck. I'm out.

That's literally the same set up. That's exactly what's in the reality.
if you need an photo of the same that appears in the photo ok.

Try obtaining 5V from another Arduino, or from a 5V power adapter instead, for test.

It was the protoboard, high resistance in the lines.

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