Trying to use a pre v1.1 DevKit with TFT_eSpi graphics library. The FSPI
pin configuration in the technical manual doesn't seem to work ( I've tried it with two different boards ). Anyone had success in using SPI with this library?
I have lost my powers of xray vision and mind reading, so if you could post a hand drawn wiring diagram and code that has been formatted by the IDE (Tools/Autoformat) then ^^^ placed between code tags maybe something will happen.
Thank you for your response.
The SPI connection to ILI9341 is so: ( I think this is the default )
FSPICS0-GPIO10 -> CS ( ILI9341 )
These are the values I used in the USER_SETUPS folder for ILI9341.
Then run any of the TFT_eSPI 320x240 examples. I've also tried using arbitrary pin assignments but that hasn't worked. ( Not sure arbitrary pin assignments are possible but what the heck )
Compiles and uploads with no problem but no display. Display power and backlight running from separate supply. Lovyan library works but not when using above pins. So I know the display and leads are ok.
Just trying to find out if anyone has made this SPI display work with this library and what pin configuration they used.
I'm using User_Setups/Setup70b_ESP32_S3_ILI9342.h configured
with GPIOs 10 (CS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (SCK), 13 (MISO)
Seems like this should be a valid SPI setup. No arbitrary pin setup
works. No other library ( Adafruit_GFX, Lovyan ) will work with the
10, 11,12,13 setup. They will work if I just use an arbitrary pin setup.
So what version of the DevKit do you have? What pinout are you using?
Thanks a bunch, this is kinda puzzling.
Hey horace, Yep I've tested with this library using the full pinout
constructor. Works fine as long as I don't use the pins
specified as SPI in the technical manual. No code to post, just set constructor, compile. upload. I'd like to use TFT_eSPI but I can't get it
I faced the same issue and did the following as a temporally workaround. Please give it a try.
Temporal solution
Define USE_HSPI_PORT or USE_FSPI_PORT in User_Setup.h.
// The ESP32 has 2 free SPI ports i.e. VSPI and HSPI, the VSPI is the default.
// If the VSPI port is in use and pins are not accessible (e.g. TTGO T-Beam)
// then uncomment the following line:
Related issues on TFT_eSPI repository
I think that this is because different SPI definitions in ESP-IDF are used for each variant of the ESP32, but I'm currently investigating the details.