Heya, im sort of new to electronics. So i have a project about Microcontroller. The goal is simple, The GPIO of ESP32 has a 3.3V output signal would be replaced with 24v signal.
Currently i need 3 or 4 output to control, converting 3.3v with three transistor is a pain so i want to ask if this MOSFET IRLZ44N safe to use directly from my controller?
Here is my attempt schematic for the project. the output would be in terminal pin. As for the output im trying to hook it with some warning light or tower lamps (i have not decided yet).
I am tempted to use logic shifter of 3.3v to 24v but perhaps if the MOSFET circuit that i made are safe enough to use, i would choose the cheaper one.
Also i may apply the circuit with Microcomputer as the controller for IoT purposes.
But anyway,
What load are you driving trough J1??
As this load is in series of led, resistor and the meter ( why ac, maybe wrong widget )?
Also IRLZ44 is 'a beast' only to drive a led??
If you want to drive a load on J1 you should not connect the gnd, but the +24V
Sorry previously linked the wrong datasheet, the irlz44 is a logic level mosfet ( unlike the irfz44 )
misplaced a diode when experimenting. but yeah i should not add diode in the gpio.
the thing is i have not decided on an output. i am working for a PCB with a controller to drive a 24 v output signal, DC signal ofc.
generally i am trying to make a simple way to make several output as 24v, might control various driver though
Edit, got any mosfet's that works with microcontrollers?