
hey all,
i have been working on esp8266 for several days and not able to move any further.
i updated the firmware using FTDI and successful but not able to connect it to arduino.

  1. I have noticed that FTDI was supplying 5.1 voltage and my esp8266 working fine. Can i connect esp8266 to arduino 5v supply?
    2)this is the procedure that i am using
    step 1: installing arduino ide
    step 2: esp8266 board manager
    step 3: changing the board to generic esp8266{512K-flash size,uploading speed of 9600,flash freq:40,CPU freq:80,Programmer:AVRISP MKll}
    step 4:coneecting esp8266 to arduino Mega,vcc,ch_pd---5v,GIO1,grnd---grnd, tx----rx,rx--tx
    step 5: uploading a blank code
    got espcomm error
    am i doing the correct way if not your suggestions costs my time.
    Thank you
    by the way i am using ESP01,arduino mega

Connecting 5v to the Vcc of an ESP8266 ESP01 module (or any of the other common ESP8266 boards) can damage the esp8266. It is not spec'ed for use with supply voltage above 3.6v (in other words, 3.3v nominal). You need to use a level shifter, and a 3.3v regulator (The 3.3v regulator on the Mega will be hard-pressed to supply an ESP8266).

What are you trying to do, use the ESP8266 as the microcontroller, or use it to provide wifi connectivity to an Arduino Mega? Your process seems to include elements of both.

hey DrAzzy,
I am trying to provide arduino with wifi........i got some escomm errors can you help me with that

The errors you descibe are usually related to baud rate or TX to TX- RX to RX when it should be TX to RX etc. or a handshaking issue.