expected unqualified-id before '{' token

help me with my final year project. i cant compile my project because im stuck with with this problem in line 90. im a beginner so please i would like you to help me

this is the code:

#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 20, 4); // pins for LCD Connection

#define buzzer 12 // buzzer pin
#define led 13 //led pin

#define x A0 // x_out pin of Accelerometer
#define y A1 // y_out pin of Accelerometer
#define z A2 // z_out pin of Accelerometer

int piezoPin = 7;
int LED1 = 13;
int LED2 = 12;
int LED3 = 11;
int xsample = 0;
int ysample = 0;
int zsample = 0;
long start;
int buz = 0;

#define samples 50
#define fiveMax 20 // max change limit
#define fiveMin -20 // min change limit
#define threeMax 10
#define threeMin -10
#define twoMax 5
#define twoMin -5
#define buzTime 5000 // buzzer on time

void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // initializing serial
lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
lcd.print("Quake Detector");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Please wait...");
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED3, OUTPUT);
buz = 0;
digitalWrite(buzzer, buz);
digitalWrite(led, buz);
for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) // taking samples for calibration
xsample += analogRead(0);
ysample += analogRead(1);
zsample += analogRead(2);

xsample /= samples; // taking avg for x
ysample /= samples; // taking avg for y
zsample /= samples; // taking avg for z

lcd.print("Device Ready");

void loop()
int value1 = analogRead(0); // reading x out
int value2 = analogRead(1); //reading y out
int value3 = analogRead(2); //reading z out

int xValue = xsample - value1; // finding change in x
int yValue = ysample - value2; // finding change in y
int zValue = zsample - value3; // finding change in z

{ /* comparing change with predefined limits*/
if (xValue < twoMin || xValue > twoMax || yValue < twoMin || yValue > twoMax || zValue < twoMin || zValue > twoMax)
digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);
else if (xValue > twoMin || xValue < twoMax || yValue > twoMin || yValue < twoMax || zValue > twoMin || zValue < twoMax)
digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);
if (xValue < threeMin || xValue > threeMax || yValue < threeMin || yValue > threeMax || zValue < threeMin || zValue > threeMax)
if (buz == 0)
start = millis(); // timer start
buz = 1; // buzzer / led flag activated

else if (buz == 1) // buzzer flag activated then alerting earthquake
tone(piezoPin, 1000, 500);
digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);
if (millis() >= start + buzTime)
buz = 0;
else if (xValue > threeMin || xValue < threeMax || yValue > threeMin || yValue < threeMax || zValue > threeMin || zValue < threeMax)
digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);
if (xValue < fiveMin || xValue > fiveMax || yValue < fiveMin || yValue > fiveMax || zValue < fiveMin || zValue > fiveMax)
if (buz == 0)
start = millis(); // timer start
buz = 1; // buzzer / led flag activated

else if (buz == 1) // buzzer flag activated then alerting earthquake
lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Drop Cover Hold");
tone(piezoPin, 100, 50);
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
if (millis() >= start + buzTime)
buz = 0;

digitalWrite(buzzer, buz); // buzzer on and off command
digitalWrite(led, buz); // led on and off command

/sending values to processing for plot over the graph/
Serial.println(" $");

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Why is the code beginning at line 90 even there?

You define a procedure starting on line 79 with "void loop()", followed by an opening brace on line 80. On line 88, you Close out the Loop function entirely. (Without ever having done anything except defining variables which cannot ever be used because they only exist within the realm of the Loop function which terminates on line 88.)

My assumption would be that you Need to remove the closing brace on line 88 (so that the Loop function continues on...) and also remove the opening brace on line 90.

That won't get you far because you also construct your if else Statements incorrect (for example on lines 102 through 110).

Read up a bit on how to properly use the opening and closing braces.