External power supply to ESP32 and NodeMCU


i've ESP32 devkit, nodemcu module, and 12v power supply

i want to power the modules via its VIN connections should I input the 12v directly or should I step down to certain voltage (I have a buck converter)
also there are some 5v sensors that I will power them in the same project


In regards to the ESP32.

The spec for the input voltage is supposed to be up to 12V. but many ESP32 developer board manufacturers do not follow that spec. I'd bring the 12V down to 5V with a switching regulator. By using a switching regulator the extra energy is not wasted as heat.

The 5V's into the ESP32 will be regulated down to 3.3V.

You may want to see if your sensors have 3.3V regulators on them, the ESP32 is NOT 5V tolerant.

To be sure that the project works I would create 5 volt for the sensors using a buck converter. Any 5 volt controller can use the same +5 volt.
Never use Vin and tap more than a few mA from controller 5, or 3.3 volt converter.

To be sure that the project works I would create 5 volt for the sensors using a buck converter. Any 5 volt controller can use the same +5 volt.
Never use Vin and tap more than a few mA from controller 5, or 3.3 volt converter.

i want to power the esp using the vin
so I could use the buck to step down to 5 volt
and power the esp/nodemcu using Vin input and the sensors

i want to power the esp using the vin
so I could use the buck to step down to 5 volt
and power the esp/nodemcu using Vin input and the sensors


I have not researched the ESP32, but according to the NodeMCU schematic, the USB interface chip is powered from the "Vin" pin and this chip (whatever it is,) is rated at no more than 6 V.

So whatever you may read, powering "Vin" at anything greater than 6 V is reasonably guaranteed to toast the USB interface - and may result in a short circuit into the bargain.