Extracting serial data and display to 5digit 7segment

The following syntax of setNumber() methof is from this post.
(2) sevenSeg.SetNumber(arg1, arg2, arg3);

===> sevenSeg.SetNumber(numberToShow, placeOfDecimalPoint, base);

arg1 = integer value to be displayed

byte valueToShow = 25;   //range: 0 to 255;
unsigned int valueToShow = 0 to 65535;

arg2 = number of digits are there after the decimal point.
Value: 0 There is no digit after decimal point.

arg3 = base in which the “number of arg1” is to be shown; Value = HIGH or LOW
HIGH means that the hexadecimal digits (0 – 9, A- F) will appear on display unit.
LOW means that decimal digits (0 – 9) will appear on the display unit.