Failed uploading

hallo. by uploading on my Arduino-R4-WiFi a error: Failed uploading error: exit status1
what is wrong and how to solve this problem?

Welcome to the forum

I assume that you have installed the board files for the R4 and that when you plug it into USB a new COM port is created on teh PC and that you have selected that COM port in the IDE

Please post the full error message, using code tags when you do. The easiest way to do this is to click on the COPY ERROR MESSAGES button in the IDE which will automatically add the code tags for you


The program i first loaded was:R4Wifi_led_matrix and that was OK(crolling tekst.

After that i was loading :R4Minima_serial-No usb.

Then when i loaded again R4Wifi_led_matrix there is a error__:__ (in red color):

No device found on com6

Failed uploading:uploading error: exit status 1

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Hi @jack01. Please try this

  1. Connect your Arduino board to your computer with the USB cable.
  2. Press and release the button marked "RESET" on your Arduino UNO R4 WiFi board quickly twice.
    You should now see the "L" LED pulsing.
  3. Select the port of the UNO R4 Minima board from the Tools > Port menu in Arduino IDE.
    :exclamation: The double reset you did in step (1) can cause the port number of the board to change, so don't assume you already have the correct port selected.
  4. Upload the sketch to the board as usual.

This time the upload should be successful.

Where did you get that sketch from?

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I can see the portnumber is not changed. I did what you adviced and led L is blinkng but i get the same melding:

No device found om COM6

Failed uploading uploading error:exit states 1


After that i was loading :R4Minima_serial-No usb.

Where did you get that sketch from?

Found in :Arduino UNO-R4_main (R4Minima_serial_no_usb)



That is not a helpful answer.

I did find a sketch of that name here:

However, I am not able to reproduce the error even after I uploaded that sketch to my UNO R4 WiFi board.

Please post the full and exact code of the "R4Minima_serial_no_usb" you uploaded to your board so I can make sure the code I am using is the same as the code you are using.


This is the file:R4Minima_Serial_no_usb.ino



  • Purpose: Try routing Serial to pins 0 & 1.

  • Board: UNO R4

  • IDE: 1.8.19

As previously requested

/* R4Minima_serial_no_usb.ino

  • Purpose: Try routing Serial to pins 0 & 1.

  • Board: UNO R4

  • IDE: 1.8.19

R4Minima_serial_no_usb.ino (518 Bytes)

Better, but what we really had in mind was posting the code here in code tags, like this, to avoid the need to download it

 * Purpose: Try routing Serial to pins 0 & 1.
 * Board: UNO R4
 * IDE: 1.8.19
 * Usage:
 * By: Clemens Valens
 * Date: 26/6/2023

// Uncomment to route Serial to pins 0 & 1.
#define NO_USB
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup(void)
#ifndef NO_USB

void loop(void)
  Serial.write('$'); // TX on pin 1 if NO_USB is defined
#ifndef NO_USB
  Serial1.write('<'); // TX on pin 1 if NO_USB is not defined


In this program i see NO_USB

Is it possible that after this program is loaded my board is not more working.

Nodevice found on PORT6

Failed uploading. Uploading error: exitstatus 1

Is it a question from the Bootloader?

How can i fix the board?


I've tried all these suggestions on both a Mac and Windows machine, I also restarted port on the windows machine and changed USB cables. The Arduino will identify the board correctly with Tools-> Get board Info but trying to download I get this on the MAC and something about Comm port not found on Windows. I've updated all to the latest version of the Arduino IDE.

dfu-util: No DFU capable USB device available
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 74

OK Update - I tried the suggestion to quickly hit the reset button. That ppst said select minima board, I assume that was a typo when I selected R4 WiFi it worked. That was on the PC, it then also worked on Mac with no additional steps - Thanks

hi, thank you for the solution. same thing happened to me after uploading one of the examples from "USB" section.

i am just curious, what happened when you do this exactly?

A post was split to a new topic: Problem uploading to Uno R4 WiFi