Famous in my own lunch time

Yours truly was just interviewed by EEweb.com,

If you need some help getting to sleep have a read :slight_smile:

WARNING: Large photo of the GRAYgnome at the end of that link, don't open open with impressionable or easily frightened children around.


starts with your picture

interesting read, too!

That was fun. I love it that you worked on things that did things. It's so cool when the code you write makes a lever move or checks the water level or something like that.

starts with your picture

Hence the warning :slight_smile:

It's so cool when the code you write makes a lever move or checks the water level or something like that.

The majority of my time in EE was occupied designing building monitoring and control systems. One thing I always loved was the magnification involved when a few electrons cause a RAM cell to flip and 100 yards away 2 tons of elevator moves.

In some large stations (farms) that water trough gadget freed a worker engaged full time driving around checking to do other more useful stuff.


I like the beard, mine used to be in those sort of proportions years ago but it is retreating now.
Great story with the push button, a sort of modern day finger in the dike tale.
Well done.

From the interview:

"I was electrocuted once (well several times really but once of particular note)."

You can only be electrocuted once. :smiley:

WARNING: Large photo of the GRAYgnome at the end of that link, don't open open with impressionable or easily frightened children around.

Dude! You're wearing gray clothes and those mirrored sunglasses have a gray look about them. Any more gray and we're going to think you're a superhero in disguise. Gray Ghost? Gray Avenger? Gray Nomad? :smiley:

Good read. Thanks.

Nice article Rob.

You can only be electrocuted once

I never looked up the definition...hang on...according to Wiki

Electrocution is frequently used to refer to any electric shock received but is technically incorrect;

so you're right, I'm still alive although my missus may argue that point :slight_smile:

Thanks guys, stay tuned they are running an article of mine in the next PULSE magazine as well.


I enjoyed the article and can relate to the mainframe incident, I turned off the wrong disk drive once and I could hear people screaming. Always best to save work regularly particularly when a half-wit has access to the disks.

He he, good to know I'm not the only one then.
