isolated usb device control

i need to interface usb barcode reader wit a controller and display the code in lcd. i dunno how to chose correct controller with usb module. help me to choose a right module....

Ummm is that related to arduino it looks like u are not trying to do something related to arduino but if u ...............
get youe self a ardunio and a usb host sheild from spark fun ! then a lcd then work out month on how to interface that barcode scanner to the arduino :slight_smile: ( it will involve a hell lot of programming :wink: or scrap the idea :stuck_out_tongue: and get something that can do what you want !

Search for an old barcode scanner with serial port or see if you can bypass the usb part (open the scanner and see if it has a serial to usb converter)
An arduino as a usb host is to complicated (cost to much memory/ processor power)

Most of the USB and serial barcode scanners that I have seen just emulate a keyboard. Has anyone ever gotten a keyboard to work with an arduino?

Yes. It is well documented.