FORD Auto Windows up/down with Keyfob


Been some time since i fooled around with arduino so im going to need some help here.

I recently purchased a Ford Ranger pickup that doesnt have the "all windows up/down" with the remote keyfob option. Its quite handy as it gets very hot here and opening the windows before approaching the car is a bonus. i thought this might be the perfect little project for me.

I have two angles to approach this.

  1. I can either count the lock/unlock pulses from the central locking actuator (3 pulses within 10 seconds) and the windows can open up.

  2. I can learn the Ford keyfob code/frequency ( i think its 433mhz) on the arduinon and then on continious signal press it will roll down the windows.

Does anybody know of similar projects and or can offer some advice?


How do you intend to interface the Arduino to the vehicle?


How do you intend to interface the Arduino to the vehicle?


The arduino will output to existing relays controlling the windows.

My biggest problem is 1. How do i read the signal from my Ford key (which is 433mhz apparently) it only has 2 buttons, lock and unlock, so if i can read those pulses on keypress to my arduino 90% of my problems will be solved.

Most remotes have a rolling code, IE, different each time the button is pressed. This is to prevent others from reading the code and stealing the car.

The code would use a proprietary system so I don't like your chances of reading the original Ford fob.


The code would use a proprietary system so I don't like your chances of reading the original Ford fob.

Agreed. Your other idea of monitoring and counting lock solenoid signals sounds like a much more reasonable and reliable approach.

BTW: keep in mind that a vehicle is a very hostile environment from an electrical point of view. Do some research on power supplies that are compatible with an automotive environment. You need to be able to handle surges, brownouts, and noise spikes up to 60 volts, and nominal 12V power is really more like 14V. Just plugging 12V accessory power into an Arduino barrel jack will not cut it.