I am trying to program HC-SR04 Sensor to measure distance and send the measurements through LoRa. I have an ESP32-S3 board but since the sensor requires a 5V power supply to operate, I would need the expansion board since the ESP32-S3 board can only provide 3.3 output voltage. The expansion board I have in mind is the esp32s 38p/v4/goouuu expansion board .
And for the other 2 pins of the HC-SR04 sensor (Trig and echo), I am planning to connect them to the esp32-s3 board. The Vcc and grnd pins will be connected to the expansion board. My worry is will this cause any problems since the pins are connected to 2 different power sources?
I am planning to use aESP32 Dev Board that has a 5v output to power up a sensor. So if I supply a 5v power input to the board, I would be able to get a 5v output from the pin right?
Let's say that if you supply 5V through devboard usb connector, you can use 5V pin to supply your sensor.
But like @DrDiettrich wrote you need level shifters for signals.
You could use HC-SR04 V2, it has operating voltage of 3-5V
I don't think so.
You told us about the board you used here:
(I've flagged your post for moderation so that both your threads can be merged, since it's really about the same thing in both cases. Please don't cross-post as per forum rules.)
Note that it has several 5V pins you can connect something to.
In principle it's not a problem to have different power sources in the same project as long as they have their GND's connected.
Evidently you need to ensure that none of the components is operated beyond its maximum ratings. I highlighted the problem with using 5V signals from your sensor on a 3.3V microcontroller in your other thread. You can either choose to ignore the problem (the ESP32 tends to tolerate 5V signals on its GPIO's - or so they say...), or you can use a voltage level translator such as this one:
They are cheap, omnipresent and will work fine in this application.
An ADC will indeed not be able to measure a voltage over its supply voltage. I'm sure if you check the ESP32 datasheet, you'll find this information listed there, too. As in any other ADC documentation.
Of course, with an HC-04 this doesn't matter since it's a simple digital signal - and not particularly fast, either, so pretty much anything will be able to interface with it.
I'm trying to use this board for testing one of the sensors that needs a 5v output. This is some type of expansion board but I have no idea what board option it is on the arduino.
Attached below are some pictures of the board.
It doesn't really matter much anyway since ESP32=ESP32. AFAIK the differences in the boards are how the pins are named and other 'cosmetic' differences.
You are aware that an ESP32 system is natively a 3.3V system, yes?
You are aware that an ESP32 system is natively a 3.3V system, yes?
I am aware yes. That is why I am using this expansion board because I believe there is a 5v output I can get from this?
If I input 5v into the board, can't I get a 5v output from the ports? There are 3 pairs of 5v and ground pins for that? Kindly correct me if I'm mistaken, thank you.
I see. This youtube video mentioned below shows the person connecting a 5v power supply to the input of esp32 dev board and then connecting the sensor to the 5v output pin and successfully powering up the HC-SR04 sensor. How would this be possible if the esp32 board is regulated at 3.3v?
The sensor will power from the same 5V supply as the controller board; that's no problem.
You do have to keep an eye on the output of the sensor that's being fed into the microcontroller, though. If the sensor has a 5V output, you should in principle never feed this directly into a 3.3V controller. There are some caveats/exceptions, but this is the general principle.
It was unclear from your post that your question pertained (only?) to the power input for the sensor.
No worries; you now realize why people stress specific and complete information so much on this forum. It really helps to get the right answer, quickly.
That goes for all boards using an ESP32 or ESP32S. The ESP32S3, ESP32C3 & ESP32S2 are significantly different processors with different architecture and peripherals.
No you can't say this, it shows a deep misunderstanding of electronics and reliability. In order to say that you would have to test about 100 processors in elevated temperatures for about a year. And then do the relevant statical calculation on the results.
Some random chap testing something overnight tells you nothing. The internet is full of dubious claims over this matter.
The bottom line is that if it doesn't say in the data sheet that a device has 5V tolerance inputs it simply has not got them. End of story.