Getting an error using the ESP32Servo Library


I am new to arduino and creating a project with an Arduino Nano ESP32 that is supposed to connect to the IOT cloud and control a servo when a cloud variable is true. I have followed some online tutorials on how to use the ESP32Servo library however i keep running into the following error when i compile the code (error: macro "tone" requires 3 arguments, but only 2 given
void tone(int pin,unsigned int frequency);). I have double checked my code and everything seems to be alright and near identical to the example files attached to the library, does anyone know how to resolve this error?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi @christian22234

when you registered on the arduino-Forum. You got a link presented that explains
"how to get the best out of this forum".

You will make your code working much faster if you follow the given advice.
From the way you were asking I conclude that you have not yet read
"how to get th ebest out of this forum" or you have not followed the advice
given there.

you really should read it and then re-edit your post.

best regards Stefan

Hello christian22234

Take a search engine of your choice and ask the WWW for 'ESP32 +tone' to collect some data to be sorted out to get the needed information.

Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.

Hi Stefan,
Was completely unaware of that will definitely check that out, thanks for your help!
Regards Christian

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