Because in another pic he has the chip hooked inside the board where I dont because the chip I was sent dont fit in correctly. I only assumed they were all hooked up
As for the programming PIN that is what was on the code by Don Bell. Just following his code, I know nothing about coding, which is why I came here for help
The program you listed shows the motor will STOP when the remote speed control is centered. That is the only way the motor will stop. If your speed control potentiometer will not center, then that is what must be repaired.
Because only you know what you have, please post code, parts and wiring HERE. That will keep people from guessing. Thank you.
This is the parts list
Ive already posted the code and the wiring is in the pictures
Did the motor EVER stop and now it doesn't?
Im trying to get it to stop and not run constantly.
Yes, you have written that several times. We get the idea!
If there is a speed control somewhere in your project, then that is the problem. When the speed control is used to set the motor direction and speed, there is a small position in the center of the movement that will set the motor speed to ZERO! Why is the not working for you?
The Aruino in Post #3 is an Uno R3.
The Arduino in Post #25 is a Leonardo (which might explain Pin 0/Pin 1 usage - native USB on MCP).
We will need to know which hardware is being used, and where the wires connect FROM and TO.
Addressing the "always on" motor: The Pololu motor driver board in Post #3 has (assumed) +VCC (red) in B+ and GND (blk) in GND. I would assume RED be tied to VIN, with B+/B-/A+/A- for motor control.
Hi, @mommy2one
Please answer the first part of post #20.
Why have you got all those wires?
Thanks.. Tom..
I assumed that the chip was using all the prongs. But I have now taken them off and using 4 prongs. Trying to figure out where all the major cords go now
Do you have any control at all?
When you power your project up, does the motor start running continuously instantly, or do you have to commend it to start?
The reason I ask is in all the pics and Fritzy can't I see this mysterious " I control it with a flysky transmitter and receiver."?
Have you got the flysky connected, if so where?
Are the gnds of the flysky and the UNO connected?
Sorry but we need a copy of your circuit, a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
Hand drawn and photographed is perfectly acceptable.
Please include ALL hardware, power supplies, component names and pin labels.
Thanks.. Tom..
I was going to send a video but it wont let me, but these are pics of everything on and working. The wires Im using and where everything is plugged in at
And now using a Uno R3 (post #25 was a Leonardo)... with the Pololu board jumpering A+ and B+ (post #3 Vcc went to B+ and GND to GND)... different every post.
Ive only been using the Uno R3, the leonardo is from Donald Bells post, but I do have a leonardo. But they have the same everything it seems. Either way I have everything running except the throttle on the transmitter remote to the motor. So something is missing and I have done everything the exact same way on indestructibles website as them
The motor starts up when I turn the battery on and I have no control of it