hello all.
My question is how to get real time data from arduino to computer and then to Excel for further calculation.
e.g plothing real time graph of data from arduino?
Can some one tell me what PLX DAQ for arduino is? Is this uses for the same purpose as i describe above?
How real "real time" ?
Can some one tell me what PLX DAQ for arduino is?
Mr. Google can.
yes... i did it,
PLX DAQ Excel sheet receives data from arduino, but plotting that data for making graph in Excel sheet at the same time is very slow process... tell me how to plot it fast.
Is there any other simulation software that can graph the data from arduino faster then Excel.
Actually i want to make an electronic device that simulate the characteristics of motion of shock absorber.. i-e displacement, velocity, acceleration and force experience by shock absorber.
does there exist any other idea related to the above device to build..?
There is software called negplot, something like that, that will takes serial data in from arduio and plot in real time on the PC.
I posted a link to it again in the last 2 days or so.
sorry i replay after along time.
thanks mr. CrossRoad.
i find 'simplot' at above given link but downloading is not allowed.
please someone send it through mail at (fazalna.id@gmail.com) or tell me another link about 'negplot' or 'simplot'
Hello fazalna
The link to download SimPlot is working. For a day or two there was issue with google hosting which has been fixed.
By the way you posted a question on the SimPlot thread, which I answered, did you check the thread?
hye..i have installed the simplot..but when i want to connect it,its shows some error..and didnt give me the plotted data..can you guys help me?
Sorry, I distract the conversation.
Continue the topic before about PLX DAQ, i wanna ask, Could PLX-DAQ connect to website via Arduino ethernet shield ?
Or How connect data from PLX DAQ to website
thank you for your respond.