good stackable headers unavailable AGAIN

Thing that really annoys me: most of the stackable header thingies you can buy for Arduino absolutely suck, becuase they are too short. For example these suck:

You can't fit an ISP programmer on. It's not enough space for many things you might want to put on a non-top shield.

Mouser used to have these:

but now they are obsolete non-stock.

Why must all the US companies carry the sucky short headers. Why can they not carry the long ones?
What could Arduino do to stop the existence of all these sucky short headers?


Britton Kerin, go to, you can get different lengths. Can be a little tricky finding the right series.
Look for something like SSQ-108-03-L-S

One of those are either the overall height, or the pin length.

What about;

Tom.... :slight_smile:

What about;
Arduino Stackable Header Kit - PRT-10007 - SparkFun Electronics

Tom.... :slight_smile:

These are the ones that are too short for the ISP header

Britton Kerin, go to, you can get different lengths. Can be a little tricky finding the right series.
Look for something like SSQ-108-03-L-S

One of those are either the overall height, or the pin length.

Hmm the SSQ-108-04-L-S does appear to have the correct 14.83 mm tail length... HUGE thank you I've tried samtec before but ended up finding ESQ series which still doesn't have long enough tails.