Hi everybody
I am in a GPS/Web project and I am using SIM7600E module and microcontroller is Arduino Uno R3 and I have done the steps to get GPS information and internet connection by sending AT command from Arduino to SIM module and success. For the Web part, I use WebSocket protocol and I have also created a link domain and a backend. And the difficulty I have is that I cannot connect to the website. I look forward to receiving your support and thank you very much.
link Websocket I am using : GitHub - skaarj1989/mWebSockets: WebSockets for microcontrollers
#include <WebSocketClient.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
using namespace net;
WebSocketClient client;
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX
void setup() {
while (!Serial) {}
Serial.println("Goodnight moon!");
// Cấu hình mạng di động
String response = sendATcommand("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"v-internet\",\"\",0,0", 1000);
//sendATcommand("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"v-internet\",\"\",0,0", 1000);
if (response.indexOf("OK") != -1) {
Serial.println("AT+CGDCONT=1 activated");
response = sendATcommand("AT+CGREG=1", 1000);
//sendATcommand("AT+CGREG=1", 1000);
if (response.indexOf("OK") != -1) {
Serial.println("AT+CGREG=1 activated");
response = sendATcommand("AT+CGACT=1,1", 1000);
// sendATcommand("AT+CGACT=1,1", 1000);
if (response.indexOf("OK") != -1) {
Serial.println("AT+CGDCONT=1 failed");
// Kết nối tới WebSocket Server
client.open("socketmayxuciot.gorokiapp.com", 80,"/");
client.onOpen([](WebSocket &ws) {
const auto protocol = ws.getProtocol();
if (protocol) {
Serial.print(F("Client protocol: "));
void loop() {
// getGPSData(); // Lấy dữ liệu GPS
String gpsData = "";
String response = sendATcommand("AT", 1000);
if (response.indexOf("OK") != -1) {
response = sendATcommand("AT+CGPS=1", 1000);
if (response.indexOf("OK") != 1) {
Serial.println("CGPS activated");
// while (true) {
response = sendATcommand("AT+CGPSINFO", 1000);
if (response.indexOf("OK") != 1) {
gpsData = response;
// return gpsData;
if (client.open("wss://socketmayxuciot.gorokiapp.com", 443 , "/")) {
Serial.println("Connected to WebSocket server");
// Gửi dữ liệu GPS đến máy chủ web
char message = '640fe6dc53e189acf83e073c;';
message += mySerial.read();
client.send(WebSocket::DataType::TEXT, message, strlen(message));
Serial.println("Data sent to WebSocket server");
} else {
Serial.println("Failed to connect to WebSocket server");
String sendATcommand(String command, int timeout) {
String response = "";
long int time = millis();
while ((time + timeout) > millis()) {
while (mySerial.available()) {
char c = mySerial.read();
response += c;
return response;